Q for Correspondence Analysis

Easily perform state-of-the-art correspondence analysis fast

Q is the easiest correspondence analysis tool and the most sophisticated. It is designed specifically for survey research, with all the tools required to find and optimally communicate the story in your data

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All the standard techniques

In addition to doing the standard correspondence analysis, we support all the key variants, including multiple correspondence analysis, correspondence analysis of square tables, and trends. You can further customize these using rotation, normalizations, and supplementary data points.


Q does three things that aren’t in any other tools. It offers an automated rotation feature, that allows you to focus the analysis on a key feature (e.g., a key brand), ensuring that the analysis is most relevant to your problem. It has the easiest to interpret visualization (the moonplot). Last, but not least, it automatically places the labels so that they don’t overlap (even if you use logos instead of labels).

Designed for market research

The correspondence analysis has been specifically designed to be perfect for analysis and presentation of brand association data , allowing for the entirely automated creation of market structure maps, showing which brands compete with who, how the big brands are, and the bases of their competition.

Deals with all data types 

Q’ s correspondence analysis can be used to analyze any data type: categorical, numeric, multiple response, etc.


Fast to use

Hook correspondence analysis up to any table.


Automated updating

Analysis will automatically update when you revise the data, whether filtering, data cleaning, or adding in a new wave of data.

Complete (not just correspondence analysis)

Q is a general-purpose analysis app that does everything from crosstabs to text coding to advanced analysis, driver analysis, and segmentation.

Once you have created your correspondence analysis, you can easily integrate them into a Displayr dashboard or even export them to PowerPoint.

Increase speed

Automate manual tasks and create re-usable analysis and reports.

Find deeper insights

DIY advanced analysis and visualizations.


Manipulate your data with a couple of clicks.

Before Q, market research was a very laborious process. Now I couldn’t do my job without it.


Read Nicola’s story

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