Q for Crosstabs

The complete solution for crosstabs

How much of your day do you spend creating and analyzing crosstabs? Built by market researchers for market researchers, Q will cut your analysis time in half.

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Fast to use

Drag and drop to create a single crosstab, or use automation to churn out thousands of crosstabs in seconds. Q will even automatically delete uninteresting crosstabs if you want it to.

Easily manipulate and format crosstabs

Merge cells, create nets, re-order categories, create complicated banners, add or remove statistics like counts, column, and row percentages.

Automatic automation (no code required)

Once you have created a set of crosstabs you can automatically refresh it with new data (e.g., a new clean data file, a new wave of a tracker). No need to write code. Q’s automation is automatic.

Best-in-class stat testing

Q automatically puts statistics tests on tables and crosstabs. Stat tests specifically designed for survey analysis, which deal with weights in the proper way. Stat testing can also be customized to your companies specifications.


PowerPoint automation

Export your crosstabs to PowerPoint as editable charts. You can even create your entire reporting deck in Q.

Complete (not just crosstabs)

Q is a general-purpose analysis app that does everything from crosstabs to text coding to advanced analysis, driver analysis, and segmentation.

Increase speed

Automate manual tasks and create re-usable analysis and reports.

Find deeper insights

DIY advanced analysis and visualizations.


Manipulate your data with a couple of clicks.

Before Q, market research was a very laborious process. Now I couldn’t do my job without it.


Read Nicola’s story

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