Data Analysis Software – Choosing the Best Software

Data Analysis Software is becoming easier to use and more affordable. Advances in technology has led to faster analysis times and greater accuracy. So choosing the right data analysis software can save time, money, and ultimately a lot of angst. Data analysis software can be used for BI, data science, survey analysis, and lots more.

The main brands of data analysis software are SPSS Statistics, Q Research Software, R,  Survey Reporter, and SAS. Some of these tools require high levels of technical knowledge and others are easy enough for anyone to use.

We have put together a comparison table of the main brands of data analysis software. All brands do basic to advanced statistical analysis so the real differences are based on ease of use.

How do you choose the best market research analysis software? What is the difference between SPSS Statistics, Q Research Software, MarketSight, Survey Reporter, WinCross, SAS, and R? What type of researcher is each designed for?

Most market research analysis software claims to be easy-to-use. But ease of use is a relative term. What is easy for a statistician is not necessarily easy for a market research consultant.  To help you choose the best survey analysis tool for your needs, we have put together a comparison table of what we consider to be the best market research analysis tools. The comparison takes into account key features and how easy each analysis tool really is to use.

See how Q can help analyze your data

Data analysis software: Answering the most frequently asked questions

How do I find out more about Q?

You can book a demo with a Q expert here.

How much of the analysis process can be automated?

So much. Q Research Software automatically extracts data from databases; creates and tidies up data files; cleans the data; figures out the best statistical tests to apply to the data; selects the best statistical models; creates visualizations and converts file formats. So much time and manual work can be automated with clever analysis tools.

What are the key features of the main tools?

Q is easy to learn and use for basic and advanced analysis (predictive modeling, perceptual mapping, segmentation, machine learning) and visualization. It is the most complete market research analysis tool, catering for all skills sets and any type of analysis. It is integrated with MS Office and Displayr for dashboards and online reporting. It also automates most routine and complex tasks (e.g, updating trackers, statistical testing, cleaning and formatting data, creating lots of crosstabs, calculating weights and filters, model choice etc.).

Survey Reporter is integrated with SPSS data collection products. It is good for creating lots of crosstabs.

SPSS Statistics has many advanced features. However, it is more difficult to learn then a tool like Q and much of the complex analysis involves the creation of old-school syntax.

R has more features than any of the other tools. It can be automated (Q Research Software and Displayr automate analyses in R) and customized. But requires a high level of technical expertise as everything has to be done with ‘programming’.

What is the best tool for analyzing survey data?

Q research software of course.

See how Q can help analyze your survey data

No time for a demo of Q?

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Everything that can be automated is automated

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“Much easier to work with than SPSS. It has more advanced analytics that doesn’t require purchasing additional modules.”
Seth DeAvila, Isobar
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