Q for Data Visualization

The complete solution for visualizing data

Easily create beautiful and customizable visualizations that update when your data changes.

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100+ chart types

Q has the full suite of visualizations, from bar charts and donut charts through to pictographs, palms, and small multiples. There’s a visualization to match every need and every type of data. It even has visualizations designed for data cleaning.

Designed for market research

You can show statistical significance on charts, as well as deal with long labels, and long lists of categories. Need a pie chart that can show 100 brands and still looks good? We’ve got that too.

Point-and-click and opt-in complexity via R

Q’s designed so you can create great visualizations by pointing and clicking. However, if you are used to using R packages to create visualizations, like ggplot2 and Plotly, you can do that from within Q as well.

Interactive visualization for dashboards and online reporting

Use interactivity to allow users to discovery their own stories in the data. Hover to see data points and add filters and other controls to that users can explore the data while viewing the visualization.


No ‘double handling’

Forget analyzing data in one tool and visualizing it in another. With Q you can hook up your visualizations to your raw data and analysis. So when the data changes, the visualization changes.


Complete (not just visualization)

Q is a general-purpose analysis app that does everything from crosstabs to text coding to advanced analysis to driver analysis and segmentation.

Increase speed

Automate manual tasks and create re-usable analysis and reports.

Find deeper insights

DIY advanced analysis and visualizations.


Manipulate your data with a couple of clicks.

Before Q, market research was a very laborious process. Now I couldn’t do my job without it.


Read Nicola’s story

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