Using Q
Lots of New Automated Options for Transforming Data

We’ve been working hard to have all the most common transformations of data available in a single easy-to-use menu. When you select a variable (or variables) and choose Automate > Browse Online Library > Create New Variables you will find lots of options, including:
- Automatically Combine Categories
- By Geography. See Automatically Categorize Geographic Data (e.g., Zip/Post Codes).
- By Value. See Automatically Band Numeric Variables.
- Contrast Periods, for when you want to compare any two time periods.
- Duplicates, which creates a new variable containing any duplicates. This is great for spotting data integrity problems.
- Impute Missing Data. See Automatically Impute Missing Values.
- Numeric Variables(s) from Code/Category Midpoints. This allows you to easily convert income, age, and other data with bands, into numeric variables.
- Recode Net Promoter Score (NPS) Variable(s). This creates a new variable that shows the NPS and can be used for statistical testing of differences in NPS.
- Scale VariablesÂ
- Center Within Case
- Center Within Variable
- Ranks Within Case
- Ranks Within Vairable
- Standardize Within Case
- Standardize Within Variable
- Unit Interval Within Case
- Unit Interval Within Variable
- Top 2 Category Variables (Top 2 Boxes).
- Translate Text.