Q for MaxDiff

MaxDiff a
piece of cake

Quickly go from experimental design to analysis, to interactive report in one tool. Q automates all the painful manual steps and makes it easy to deliver best-in-class results, even for the novice.

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Experimental design made easy

Step one for any MaxDiff is to create your experimental design. It’s the set of instructions about which questions to ask which people. You can create it in Q with the click of a button. Q will coach you through, so you won’t make silly mistakes. It really is that simple!

MaxDiff analysis

Q automates all the painful steps of MaxDiff analysis into a series of button clicks. It even coaches you to a better way of doing things, ensuring you get accurate results quickly.​ Easily interpret results with color-coded summaries or extract the utilities as variables and perform other analyses.

Reporting MaxDiff

Q is also great for reporting MaxDiff results. So you can quickly create visualizations of the MaxDiff, or use your MaxDiff utilities as an input into other analyses like segmentation, TURF, or crosstabs.

Increase speed

Automate manual tasks and create re-usable analysis and reports.

Find deeper insights

DIY advanced analysis and visualizations.


Manipulate your data with a couple of clicks.

Previously, a MaxDiff would take all afternoon, but I was done in 30 minutes.


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