What is the Best Tool for Survey Data Analysis?

Survey data analysis does not have to be a daunting task. Gone are the days where researchers have to calculate statistical significance or know which techniques to use and when. Modern survey data analysis makes this fast and easy so researchers can spend more time finding the story in the numbers.

How do you know how to choose the best tool for survey data analysis? Survey data analysis tools range from basic to advanced and from easy to use to those requiring advanced knowledge and how to code. The ideal tool has features that help you grow your skills and is easy to use.

To help you choose the best survey data analysis tool for your needs, we have put together a comparison table of what we consider to be the main market research tools.

Check out Q for survey data analysis

Survey data analysis software: Answering the most frequently asked questions

Tableau says that Survey data is notoriously tricky. Is this correct?

No! Survey data is only tricky if you analyze it with the wrong tool.  In fact becuase survey data is by its very nature structured data (the structure is created by the way questions are asked), when used with the right analysis tool it means that a huge amount of the analysis can be automated. For example if you use Q, the question type dictates how the data will be presented (e.g, grid, table, percent, average, rank), what significance test will be applied, and the type of advanced analysis you can automatically do – you just need to import the data and Q does the rest for you.

I have completed my survey, what next?

Book in a quick demo of Q and then download a trial. Q is survey data analysis and reporting software. It performs all aspects of the analysis and reporting procedure, from data cleaning and coding through to creating tables and advanced analyses, exporting to Office and creating online reports. And while it is easier to use then most of the tools, it is still statstical software so a demo is recommended to help you unlesh the full power of Q.

What is the best tool for survey data analysis?

Q research software of course.

Check out Q for survey data analysis

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Automated stat testing & data set up

DIY advanced analysis & visualization

State-of-the-art visualizations

“Much easier to work with than SPSS. It has more advanced analytics that doesn’t require purchasing additional modules.”
Seth DeAvila, Isobar
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